Welcome to Fae Web, a Neocities directory of sites and media pertaining to the fae folk!

Fae Media
The Château in the Woods
The Fae-sphere
Myself and My Work
Website Information and Updates
How to support me

This website is currently spreading its roots. It is a steadily growing patch of wilderness on the World Wide Web which fairies from around the world can discover and frolic in! This is my first project using computer language (and markup language), so I am learning how to do it hands-on. Be patient, it could be a bit chaotic if I mess things up in my updates. As of February 2023 the most fleshed out part of this website is the Fae Media. Like unearthing artifacts, finding one source of series usually leads to a whole ensemble of other ones and so the Fae Media section should grow in spurts as long as I regularly update this site.

I am actively learning about myself and the Fae, and as of now my journey just seems to be getting more involved after I have learned of my kinship for the past couple of years. What I want to say is that I am no expert. Feel free to use discernment and skepticism in my claims. If you do not wish to deal with those sorts of claims I would suggest Fae Media and The Fae-sphere.

Aqua cocoon